Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kidder Christmas

Have you seen Black Christmas? You should. Not only is it a pretty decent slasher
movie, the two leading ladies are dope as shit. Margot Kidder and Olivia Hussey (who before Black Christmas, starred as Juliet in R&J) coincidentally live the longest, are brave as fuck, and look pretty tite throughout.

Look at this choker:

Kidder stars as loud-mouth Barb, who smokes close to a pack in the hour she's on-screen, drinks a shit load, and clearly gets laid the most out of any of the girls in the house (look at her choker). Yet despite her family ditching her on Xmas and the fact that the other girls in the house are complete babies (aside from Olivia, who stars as Jess), Barb manages to still care about her friends, and deal with the perv
that keeps calling her weirdo sorority house. She's a total bitch with a killer crystal collection, who probably winds up dead because she talks back a lot.

Also check her out on the cover of Rolling Stone:

And now Jess:

We find out that she's preg, but it's cool because she knows she doesn't want to keep it and tells her sort of fine piano-major boyfriend that early on. He goes a little nuts, but she keeps her cool, even though she's also facing talking to the stalker phone-perv for most of the movie. I think her and Barb are pals, but it's hard to tell since she's pretty occupied by the heavy breathing on the phone. Whatever. She has great wide-leg pants and huge collars.

Anyways, if you're tired of holiday movies or if you're Jewish or half-Jewish or like slasher movies, check it out.

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